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Learning Communities

To ensure you get the most out of your training journey, we’ve implemented a Learning Community training model. Within a Learning Community, your workshop serves as just one component of a comprehensive training experience. As part of your training with us, you’ll receive:

components of the learning community model are depicted as squares in a timeline.

Foundational Learning

Get ready to hit the ground running with training Pre-Work, such as reading the treatment manual and identifying appropriate clients for treatment. These steps will increase your preparation to be successful during the Learning Community.

Attend our live, virtual Assessment Webinar to learn how to screen for PTSD, talk about treatment options, identify an index trauma, and engage clients in treatment.

Learn all the elements of treatment and how to deliver them step-by-step during the 2-day, live, virtual Foundational Workshop, which includes didactics, video demonstrations, and opportunities for experiential practice with the core treatment components.

Competency Development

Once you’ve learned the basics, build proficiency in the treatment model by participating in ongoing, expert-facilitated Clinical Consultation—weekly, small group, video calls, hosted via Zoom. Deliver treatment to your clients with the support and guidance of an expert in the model—and learn from your peers’ cases, too! Consultation is an essential component of competency-based training where you will build confidence and enhance your skills to maximize your treatment outcomes.

Complement your consultation learning by attending Skills Labs—facilitated, experiential practice sessions where you’ll have a chance for in-depth practice of essential assessment and treatment skills like working with clients to identify a trauma to focus on in treatment and engaging in trauma processing.

Training Platform

As part of our Learning Community, you’ll also receive 1-year access to our Provider Portal, featuring advanced training webinars, therapy demonstrations, and implementation resources to enhance your learning journey. The Provider Portal is also where you and your consultant can track your cases. The portal includes features such as graphs of patient symptom outcomes, session fidelity checklists, and note templates to simplify your practice.

Why a Learning Community?

Research has shown that reading a manual or even attending a workshop is not usually sufficient to shift a provider’s practice or build proficiency in the treatment. Our training model is based on research that emphasizes the importance of ongoing case consultation and other training supports to develop provider competency and increase the reach of treatment to patients on provider caseloads. We’re grateful to our sponsors for allowing us to offer this high-quality training at an accessible price point for providers serving patients who have experienced trauma and PTSD.

How is Learning Community training different from other types of training?

There are other workshops that providers can attend in the community. Our training program goes beyond didactic, foundational training and includes a comprehensive suite of training components with the aim of helping providers build competency and a sustained, evidence-based PTSD treatment practice.

When am I considered “certified”?

Certification is a legal term that involves an external certifying body. Currently, there is no certification available for CPT, PE, or WET. However, all licensed clinicians can attain Network Provider Status. This designation signifies your expertise in delivering these treatments.

To achieve Network Provider Status, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Licensed mental health provider
  2. Full attendance at the foundational workshop
  3. Attendance at consultation calls (Minimum of 12 calls for WET and 15 for CPT and PE)
  4. Completion of two cases during the consultation period that have been approved by the consultant as being delivered with adherence to the protocol


This program is made possible in part by funding from the Bob Woodruff Foundation, which is dedicated to ensuring that our nation’s veterans, service members, and their families — those who stood for us — have stable and successful futures.

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